viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

My academic year

In all kinds of situations the people can say if they have good or bad experiences, they can say too if they are satisfied or not whit the work that they have been doing, because I think that is really important to the people formation ask different things to ourselves, that helps as to evaluate different aspects of our behavior, and realize the thigs that have done and what left to do. What I present below is a self evaluation of this academic year that it almost finish, leave behind some situations that deserve to live again and others that is better forget.

This year was really hard, especially the final weeks, because in all subjects that I studied I have to did many, many works. The most difficult work was an investigation that I had to do with two other classmates. We had many problems to do it because our practice period was delayed because of the teacher´s strike.

The best experience of this academic year was my practice.In this term I have the posibility to go to a school located in Recoleta. The school calls Liceo Arturo Perez Canto and it is a public center.In this place I listened many histories of the children, some histories was really beautiful or funny like the history of Karim, who was very happy because his mother was pregnant. But other histories was really sad. There was kids that didn´t have a family who take of them, they went to the school all dirty and some of them had not even a backpack to carry their books.

All this histories made me think in the importance of the teachers in the lifes of the boys and girls of the country also in the importance of the family in the education of his children.

When I look back and see all the things that I lived with this children I can realize that have this type of experiences, in which we must see the worse of the people, is really helpfull to look the reality with different eyes, to be more critic, which in the future will be a very useful tool to work , because to know realities of different types is one of things that makes you a good teacher, because I think that a teacher is good when he or she can make the diference in all kinds of situations.

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Challenges in my Discipline

I think that the area of education is one of the most important topics in every society, because to educate the people is one of the most difficult tasks, for this reason this particular area is full of different challenges.

The technology is a very important challenge in this area, because to use this type of tools in the classroom is very useful for the children`s learning. In this area our country have a problem because very few schools have the necessary equipment. Most schools have only a computer room with 40 or 50 computers for a entire school, what makes more difficult that the teachers can use tools, such as power point, educational sofwers,videos, etc in his every day clases.

I think that the most important challenge in education are the social matters, because in my opinion the big task of the education is to fight against the social differences that exist in our society.

I study eduacation because I really care about this topic, and I hope that in the future I can make a difference. I hope too that in the future exist other challenges, because a education without new challenges will never improve

A piece of News

A piece piece of news that caught my atention on this days was the tragedy that happend to the goalkeeper of the German natyonal team. This man of 32 years old decided put an end to his life because he hasn`t been able to overcome to the death of his little dougther Lara. The two years old girl died after fight for a long time against a hearth problem. His father fought against a depression as well as him he couldn`t find another way to get on with his life and kill him self.

This news was really shocking to me because the end of the history is very tragic. The effect in my comunitity is not really important because this news it only couse the suspension of a football game whit the Chilian national team which is not that terrible.

A piece of news that I would like to hear would be something that show to the people about the beauty of the world, because the most of the news that I see every day in the television or in the news paper show us violence or tragedy.

Improving your Faculty Facilities

I study in the social sciences faculty in wish we have many facilities that help to improve our welfare during the time that we have to spend in this place, because the students some days spend more time here that in his own houses. I think that the facilities in this faculty are not bad, we have many class rooms, two computation rooms with many computers that are very usefully when we have to do some work, we have to a nice library very, big but the problem of this facility is there aren´t enough book of education. Also we have a cafeteria in wish we can buy or bring our own lunch.

One problem that has this facility is that the class rooms are very small. In some class we have to be very, very crowded all taught we are a very little course, we are only nineteen. This point is very important because is really dangerous for the students be in a room so small because if there was an earthquake we have serious problem to get out of the room. I think that this could improve to building new class room, more big and comfortable for the students and also for the teacher. A real benefit of the construction of new and beigest class rooms are that the students would learn in a better way if they are cozy do it.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Hawaii schools to move to four-day week in state cost-cutting measure

Productt of the recession the state of Hawaii has resolved to reduce the school week from five to four days closing on Friday all public schools for the next two years, because inlike other states hawai`s education is completely paid for the state. Whit this measure the school year in Hawaii become in the most shortest of the country. With this cut the number of teachers wil be reduce from 180 to 163 also their pay muts reduce an 8% , althougth thir time of for holidays and teacher planning days remain.

In my opinion this measure in not completely bad as sayd the pepolpe of the article, becuase more days of education not means more quality. Also I am not agree with the Presiden Obama, who sayd (in the article) "The challenges of a new century demand more time in the classroom," If I could speak with hem I would like to sayd that the children not learn only in the clasroom, there are so many ways that they can do it and the more meaningfull experiences to them are thesee out of the classroom.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Election day

I am not registered to vote in the electoral system because I think that the politician are a bit liar, well actually I think that they are really liar, also I am not registered because I thik that the only purpose of the electoral campaings to spend a lot of money, whish cut be ocupy in other things much more important for the society such as education or health.

A person running por president must be a person with a strong personality, because in his/her hands are the posibillity to make chanches to improve the quality of the lives of the citizens that voted for him/her. Also a president must be a person with whom the people feel as an equal.

Honestly I never has been thougth become a politician because they aren´t the kind of people in whom I want to become, I want to be a person that trully works with the people, (speciall with the kids) not a person that only remember the people at the moment of the elctions, to win votes. Althought if I have the chance to work in a ministry of the government I would like to work in the education ministry of education, because is the area of the society that more matters to me, obviuslly because I am going to become in a teacher.

Problems in our country.
I thik that the most importan problem of our country is the education, if this could be improve, many this will improve too.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Criminal laws

The capital punishment is a very important matter to discuss in all society. It has been said that in some countries where the capital punishment is applied, the climinality has reduced in their cities. I think that this kind of punishment is not the key to stop the crime although the statistics show other thing.

One point in favor to this kind of punishment is that the criminals do not have de posibility to meke other crime. But a bad point of this sentence is that if to kill a person is punish for the law, the criminal laws shouldn`t allow punish whit the same crime.

A measure that the government should take to reduce criminality rates in Santiago should be have harder punishment, more time in prision is a good mode to stop a bit the climinality.
The increasing criminality rates has releited whit the valiues of the people. In the actuallity the family is not educaiting their children in the rigth way. For this reason they take the easiest way to resolves their problems.

In my experience I have been victim of mugging in two oportunities, one in the street and another in my house six years ago

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

What to do/ where in Santiago

If you are on holidays, a very good option to visit is Santiago of Chile. If you have the posibility to visit this place, there are many places for you to go. If you are a tourist you definitely should visit the parade ground, located in the center of the city, also you should visist the Constitucion Square because in this place it is located our palace of government called "La moneda".

One of the things that you must do is to eat our typical food, to do this you have to go to the Central Market. In this place you find old kind of dishes such as fish or sellfish. Ahother thing that you definitely have to do to feel like a true Chilean is to dance "cueca" our national dance.

Other places to visit in Santiago could be:
1) The MIM. This place is an interactive museum. You can go there and spend a nice afternoon with your friends or with your children because to this place can go people of all ages and learn very interesting things.

2) If you like the football you definitely must visist the "Monumental Stadium". This stadium is one of the greates football team of Chile: Colo-colo and if you are in Chile you can´t live the country without seeing one of their games.

3) If you like the history you must go to the "Colonial Museum". This place is located two blocks away of the parade ground. In here you can find many things of the history of our country, and learn how our country was.

4) For nigth entertainment you can visit Bellavista. In this place you cant find many, many pubs and discotheques to spend a nice nigth with your friends.

5) In the Constitucion square you can find our palace of government. You have to visit this place because you can´t live any country without visiting the must important place of the city.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

Mi experience in high school

I went to high school in a school called Liceo Miguel Rafael Prado located in Independencia. I went to this place during 12 years, since 1994 to 2005.

Mi experience in this school had good and bad points. A good point was my language teacher. She was a very good teacher (still is), she taught me many things, and because of her I took the most important decision of my life: studying education. For this reason I think that the level of education that I recived has been very importan in mi life after high school.

Another good point was the friends that I made in that period of mi life, they are really important to me, and four years after high school we still see heach other.

The technology in my high school was ok, we had computers and a special room for power point presentations, so that is another good point for my high school.

The bad points in my high school experience was the subjects that I didn´t like. The subjects that I hated the most was Biology and Maths. I hated this subjects for two reasons, one is that I didný like the topics that we studied , but the most important reason was the teachers that taught me these subjects. I know that every person is responsible in his/her education but also I think that the teachers are really important in the motivation of the students.

What I say to our authoroties is that instead of spending so much much in useless things to the people like electoral campaign they should spend the money in things to improve the quality of the eudcational system in our country.

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009

A country I would like to visit

I always want to travel around the world, but if I have to choose only one country I would choose Grecia.

I shoose this country because I always have been a fan of history, and what I like the most about this country it`s history. All our history came from this small country, so far away from here ,that is difficult to believe, for example, that our language comes from there

If I have the possibility to go to this country in the future, I would visit every place, specially the city of Atenas, because I think that this city is the most important place of this country, not because this one is the capital of the country but also this city is the most important place in the country because the most great thinkers of all times lived there, such as Platon or Aristoteles, and to walk in the same streets that they travelled many, many years ago will be very exciting to me.

I would like to study in this country because I think that there are many, many things to learn from this culture.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009

My experience in the first term

Last term was really hard in the university because we did many, many works. One thing that was very relevant for me was studying “Comprensión del medio social”, because it is one of the subjects I like the most, and I think that the topics that I studied in this subject were really important in my teaching training. A bad point in the last term was the schedule, because I had to wake up really early every day, because I live really far away from the university, and I am really lazy in the mornings.

I didn`t do any sports last term because none of them matched up with my schedule, for that reason I have to do sport in this term. One of the most important challenges that I had last term was in my practice. I attended a primary school and in this place I had to do a class with six years old boys and girls. This was a challenge for me because this was the first time that I faced a class with so many kids in the classroom, however the activity was really original to the kids, they learnt something new, and now I can say that I have done a class with 46 kids in the classroom.


martes, 30 de junio de 2009

Myb blogging experience.

Never in my life I had a blog, this is my first time, and naw that I finish my learning proces trough the blog, I must say that it is an innovative experience, because this is somethig that is not used by many theachers. The majority of them use the tradicional clases to teach english.
But I have to admit that this way of teaching another lenguage, it really helps, because every person has the posiblidad of seeing what other one writes.
Another thing that likes me about this method, is that I can work from my house, without the need of be in the university, what saves many time to do other things, like studying for another subject or to pass some time with my family or friends.
Whit this experience I could realize the difficult that is the english is , but served me to learn more about this lenguage.

My ideal job

Since a was little I knew that in the future I will work in direct contact whith the people.
I dond´t see me working in a office every day, I find that is really boring . I prefer being surrounded with people, and if they are kids, much better.
I love the kids, I think that they are the future and my ideal job obviously has tobe whith them. I would like to work in the same school at which I was present when I was little. I like very much that place because in there I decided that I want be a teacher.
Another work that likes me, is research, because I think that the only way to make changes in the educational system of our country is the searching of new things, wich can be used in the work with the children in the classroom.
I really hope can get the job that I want, and could be a help for the kids with whom I works in the future.

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

mi favorite subject.

My favorite subjetc this year in the university is "comprensiòn del medio social".
Rodrigo Sanchez theaches this subject What I like the most about this subject is the different contents it involves in this area of study. I think that this subject is really important in our theaching training, in which I have lerned very important thinks in this clases, thiks such as the most important problems that have the educational system in this area specifically or the different contents that we have to teach to the children in the area of social science.

The most important think in this subject is that the profesor is really, really good, and I thik that this point is very important when we want to speak about any subject, because is the profesor who gives to us the tools, wich ones we can lear, and if the profesor in not very good either the learning will be.
For this reason I think that the profesor is the most important person in the lerning proces of every people.

domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Sir Ken Robinson´s speech

He star his speech saying that every person has an interest in educaition. He afirm that the education is so importan to the people like the religion or maney, because take us into the future, and that is very interesting because nobody knows what the world look in five yars.

He says too that the children had extraordinary capacitis, like creativity, wich is so important like literature and we should treat with the same status.

He afrim that the kids take a chanche, they are not afraid to being wrong, if we are not preperd to be wrong we will never came with anything original, but the problem is that by the time the get to be adults moust kids have lost that capacity.

Robinson says the the problem of the educational system is that they all give the same importance to the mathematics (for example) and not to the art or to the dance.

There isn´t an education that teaches dance every day like teaches math. Math is very important, so is dance, because we all have bodys.

The proposit of public education is to produce university profesors, but the problem is that the profesors are anothe form of life, they live in ther heads. They look up on her bodys as a form to transport for ther heads.

Robienson gives to the inteligent three characteristics, he sayd that is divers, dinanmic and distinting..

Our only hope fot the future is to adopt a new conception of human ecology, one in wich we start to reconstruct the concept of human capacity, because the one that exists, it wont sirves to the future.

We have to be careful naw that we use this gifth of the human imagination wisely. Aur task is to educate the kids so they can face this future, we maight not see this future but they will, and our job is to help them to make somethig of it.

martes, 16 de junio de 2009

My future

I always ask me if my future will be what I want, but the problem is that I want too many things.
The first thing that I want to do is to end the career that I am studying and get a job in a place where I could make a change with the children, help them and meke a diference. .
I want also to help my parents. I want to try to return what they given to me for many years, not just to me, also to my brother and sister.
What I want too, is have a family. Always I have said that I want a big family with many kids running for the house. I want four kids and when I say that to my boyfriend he laughs of me, but later he says to me: " I want that too", it is very funny.
To be honest when I think in my future I didn´t think in academic things, I think in my family and specially in my boyfriend, because whit hem I wan to to live my future

lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

The best in my area.

In my opinion, the best in my area is not a famous person, not even a great theoretical. This person is a regular teacher, my school teacher. Her name is Javiera Gamboa, she was my teacher for four years, from 2000 to 2005, and in those years she made me see, how much she loves her profesion. With her I learned the importance that have the career that I am studying in this moment
I always ask to me if she will know that was very important to me. She was important also in the moment that I chose the career of pre- school and primary teaching trainnig.
What I liked the moust about her is the relation that she has with her students, because she was my teachar and also my friend.
I hope that she never changes , and that she can be so important to other kids like she was for me.

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

My carrer

I chose the career of pre- school and primary teaching trainnig because I always wanted to be a teacher. What I like the most about my career is that from the first year we have the posibility to go to different schools and have direct contact with the boys and the grils in them, which is very important in our profesional trainig.
What I dislike of this career is that it is too long. It is five years of effort and in reality this career
is not appreciate by the people, which is a bit desmotivate for my.
My profesional expectation for the future is work in a place were I could meke a change in the children and try to give another type of educaction.

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

My favoryte technological object

My favoryte technological object in my MP3.
My parents give me one on my brithday two year ago, because I was going to start the university, and they thought that this tool can be useful to me, and they were raigth.

Whit this object a can do meny things. What I do more is listen music, specially in the way to the university, because is a very long trip, more than one hour.
Also my MP3 serves me for seve diferents things, lake papers for my university. presentations and pictures.

For this reasons I can get aut from my house without my Mp3, because whitoth music my trip will bew more, more longer.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009

Comment on a fohotograph you like

My brother`s wedding

This fohotograph it was teken the day of my brother`s wedding. This day was very special for all my family, because we wait for a very logn time that this happend.

In this fohotograph it appear all my family, my mother, my father, my sister, my grandmother and the family of my sister in love, their sisters and parents, and it was taken after of the ceremony in the church.

I like very much this fohotograph because when i see it, i remember this beutifful day. I sppend a very nice moment whit all my family and whit my brother`s friends. We ate very much, we dance and we cry, because my brother was very, very happy that see hem, it was really moving.

I will always remember this day, and this fohotograph is torn in one of my favorites, like the day it was taken.

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

My best friend

The name of my best friend is Victoria, she is 21 years old and i meet her 8 years ago in the school. We went very good friends during highschool and still we are.

I don´t see her much because she study in Valparaiso and travels to Santiago only the wekends to see her family, for this reason she does not have a lot of time for hang aut.

My dearest memory wiht her is when she went to study to Valparaiso and i and another friends went to her house to say goodbye to her.

We made to her a big collage whit many photographies of us, and we gave it to her as a gift.
Her way to see the life it is what moust like about her, always happy and optimist, i dislike that we can´t see like in the olds times, i miss her to much.

Our great adventure was in the last year of highschool, when we travel to Villarrica and we knew many places, we had so much fanny

I envy about her that she is very brave, because she is living alone in another city, without her family, i could not do that

I gift to her any thing that she need to be happy. That we are very far is not a problem for be there when she need from my.

My last vacation

In my last vacation i went to the beach in Valparaiso. I went for ten days, since 15 to 24 of February.
I went whit my father, my mother and my sister and we did many things. We visited many places like San Antonio and Isla Negra, we bougth gifts for aur family and friens and we ate many, many fish, specialy my father, he ate five times during the dyas that we were in that place.

The weather in the days that we were there was ok, some days wiht sun and some days whit a few clauds.
I never forget when we went to Isla Negra and we could enter to Pablo Neruda`s house, is really beautifull and i always will remenber that moment whit my family, because i always want visit that place, since i was little.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

Hello girls!!

Hi, my name is Constanza, i am 21 years old and i study education in the Universidad de Chile. I live in Santiago with my family, my father Oscar, my mother Angelica and my twin sister Daniela.

I really love the carrier of education, i always want became in a teacher and my family is very happy that i love this profesion. Also i love have friends. I meet two very, very goog friends in the university, Natalia and Moira and whit them i speend the moust of the time, no just studing.

kisses to all....bye