martes, 30 de junio de 2009

Myb blogging experience.

Never in my life I had a blog, this is my first time, and naw that I finish my learning proces trough the blog, I must say that it is an innovative experience, because this is somethig that is not used by many theachers. The majority of them use the tradicional clases to teach english.
But I have to admit that this way of teaching another lenguage, it really helps, because every person has the posiblidad of seeing what other one writes.
Another thing that likes me about this method, is that I can work from my house, without the need of be in the university, what saves many time to do other things, like studying for another subject or to pass some time with my family or friends.
Whit this experience I could realize the difficult that is the english is , but served me to learn more about this lenguage.

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