miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

mi favorite subject.

My favorite subjetc this year in the university is "comprensiòn del medio social".
Rodrigo Sanchez theaches this subject What I like the most about this subject is the different contents it involves in this area of study. I think that this subject is really important in our theaching training, in which I have lerned very important thinks in this clases, thiks such as the most important problems that have the educational system in this area specifically or the different contents that we have to teach to the children in the area of social science.

The most important think in this subject is that the profesor is really, really good, and I thik that this point is very important when we want to speak about any subject, because is the profesor who gives to us the tools, wich ones we can lear, and if the profesor in not very good either the learning will be.
For this reason I think that the profesor is the most important person in the lerning proces of every people.

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