The capital punishment is a very important matter to discuss in all society. It has been said that in some countries where the capital punishment is applied, the climinality has reduced in their cities. I think that this kind of punishment is not the key to stop the crime although the statistics show other thing.
One point in favor to this kind of punishment is that the criminals do not have de posibility to meke other crime. But a bad point of this sentence is that if to kill a person is punish for the law, the criminal laws shouldn`t allow punish whit the same crime.
A measure that the government should take to reduce criminality rates in Santiago should be have harder punishment, more time in prision is a good mode to stop a bit the climinality.
The increasing criminality rates has releited whit the valiues of the people. In the actuallity the family is not educaiting their children in the rigth way. For this reason they take the easiest way to resolves their problems.
In my experience I have been victim of mugging in two oportunities, one in the street and another in my house six years ago
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