jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009

Hawaii schools to move to four-day week in state cost-cutting measure

Productt of the recession the state of Hawaii has resolved to reduce the school week from five to four days closing on Friday all public schools for the next two years, because inlike other states hawai`s education is completely paid for the state. Whit this measure the school year in Hawaii become in the most shortest of the country. With this cut the number of teachers wil be reduce from 180 to 163 also their pay muts reduce an 8% , althougth thir time of for holidays and teacher planning days remain.

In my opinion this measure in not completely bad as sayd the pepolpe of the article, becuase more days of education not means more quality. Also I am not agree with the Presiden Obama, who sayd (in the article) "The challenges of a new century demand more time in the classroom," If I could speak with hem I would like to sayd that the children not learn only in the clasroom, there are so many ways that they can do it and the more meaningfull experiences to them are thesee out of the classroom.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

Election day

I am not registered to vote in the electoral system because I think that the politician are a bit liar, well actually I think that they are really liar, also I am not registered because I thik that the only purpose of the electoral campaings to spend a lot of money, whish cut be ocupy in other things much more important for the society such as education or health.

A person running por president must be a person with a strong personality, because in his/her hands are the posibillity to make chanches to improve the quality of the lives of the citizens that voted for him/her. Also a president must be a person with whom the people feel as an equal.

Honestly I never has been thougth become a politician because they aren´t the kind of people in whom I want to become, I want to be a person that trully works with the people, (speciall with the kids) not a person that only remember the people at the moment of the elctions, to win votes. Althought if I have the chance to work in a ministry of the government I would like to work in the education ministry of education, because is the area of the society that more matters to me, obviuslly because I am going to become in a teacher.

Problems in our country.
I thik that the most importan problem of our country is the education, if this could be improve, many this will improve too.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Criminal laws

The capital punishment is a very important matter to discuss in all society. It has been said that in some countries where the capital punishment is applied, the climinality has reduced in their cities. I think that this kind of punishment is not the key to stop the crime although the statistics show other thing.

One point in favor to this kind of punishment is that the criminals do not have de posibility to meke other crime. But a bad point of this sentence is that if to kill a person is punish for the law, the criminal laws shouldn`t allow punish whit the same crime.

A measure that the government should take to reduce criminality rates in Santiago should be have harder punishment, more time in prision is a good mode to stop a bit the climinality.
The increasing criminality rates has releited whit the valiues of the people. In the actuallity the family is not educaiting their children in the rigth way. For this reason they take the easiest way to resolves their problems.

In my experience I have been victim of mugging in two oportunities, one in the street and another in my house six years ago

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

What to do/ where in Santiago

If you are on holidays, a very good option to visit is Santiago of Chile. If you have the posibility to visit this place, there are many places for you to go. If you are a tourist you definitely should visit the parade ground, located in the center of the city, also you should visist the Constitucion Square because in this place it is located our palace of government called "La moneda".

One of the things that you must do is to eat our typical food, to do this you have to go to the Central Market. In this place you find old kind of dishes such as fish or sellfish. Ahother thing that you definitely have to do to feel like a true Chilean is to dance "cueca" our national dance.

Other places to visit in Santiago could be:
1) The MIM. This place is an interactive museum. You can go there and spend a nice afternoon with your friends or with your children because to this place can go people of all ages and learn very interesting things.

2) If you like the football you definitely must visist the "Monumental Stadium". This stadium is one of the greates football team of Chile: Colo-colo and if you are in Chile you can´t live the country without seeing one of their games.

3) If you like the history you must go to the "Colonial Museum". This place is located two blocks away of the parade ground. In here you can find many things of the history of our country, and learn how our country was.

4) For nigth entertainment you can visit Bellavista. In this place you cant find many, many pubs and discotheques to spend a nice nigth with your friends.

5) In the Constitucion square you can find our palace of government. You have to visit this place because you can´t live any country without visiting the must important place of the city.