miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

My last vacation

In my last vacation i went to the beach in Valparaiso. I went for ten days, since 15 to 24 of February.
I went whit my father, my mother and my sister and we did many things. We visited many places like San Antonio and Isla Negra, we bougth gifts for aur family and friens and we ate many, many fish, specialy my father, he ate five times during the dyas that we were in that place.

The weather in the days that we were there was ok, some days wiht sun and some days whit a few clauds.
I never forget when we went to Isla Negra and we could enter to Pablo Neruda`s house, is really beautifull and i always will remenber that moment whit my family, because i always want visit that place, since i was little.

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