I went to high school in a school called Liceo Miguel Rafael Prado located in Independencia. I went to this place during 12 years, since 1994 to 2005.
Mi experience in this school had good and bad points. A good point was my language teacher. She was a very good teacher (still is), she taught me many things, and because of her I took the most important decision of my life: studying education. For this reason I think that the level of education that I recived has been very importan in mi life after high school.
Another good point was the friends that I made in that period of mi life, they are really important to me, and four years after high school we still see heach other.
The technology in my high school was ok, we had computers and a special room for power point presentations, so that is another good point for my high school.
The bad points in my high school experience was the subjects that I didn´t like. The subjects that I hated the most was Biology and Maths. I hated this subjects for two reasons, one is that I didný like the topics that we studied , but the most important reason was the teachers that taught me these subjects. I know that every person is responsible in his/her education but also I think that the teachers are really important in the motivation of the students.
What I say to our authoroties is that instead of spending so much much in useless things to the people like electoral campaign they should spend the money in things to improve the quality of the eudcational system in our country.